Weekday Wrap Up 6

Here are the latest pictures from the 5 o’clock rush kitchen for this week’s Weekday Wrap Up.

The pictures are the Dinner Spread we enjoyed at the trailer with friends. When we entertain at the trailer, or Glamping, there is always lots of food and lots of variety. And we utilize the charcoal BBQ for everything, even dessert.

Dinner Spread Menu included:

Main Dishes were Salmon steamed in foil, Fresh Caught Pickerel which was pan-fried, Smoked Scallops, and Chicken Breasts.

Sides were Wild Rice and Mashed Potatoes with garlic and brie. Mozzarella, tomatoes with Homemade Pesto and balsamic glaze. And a Spinach Salad with tomatoes and peppers.

Dessert was Grilled Ontario Peaches with Ontario Maple Syrup.

This is the last long weekend of the summer in Canada before school starts. 😦

Back to more consistent dinners, after school activities and  the dreaded school lunches. 😛

Have a great long weekend

Chef Kim

For more pictures follow the5oclockrush on Instagram


Weekday Wrap Up 6

Weekday Wrap Up 5

Here are the latest pictures from the 5 o’clock rush kitchen for this week’s Weekday Wrap Up.

For more pictures follow the5oclockrush on Instagram

Chef Kim

Weekday Wrap Up 5

Weekday Wrap Up 3

Here are the latest pictures from the 5 o’clock rush kitchen for this week’s Weekday Wrap Up.

For more pictures follow the5oclockrush on Instagram

This week’s latest recipe was Pesto 101 | the 5 o’clock rush so sign up to the 5 o’clock rush blog to receive the most recent posts and recipes via email. Or the 5 o’clock rush on Bloglovin

Have a great weekend and bring an umbrella for your outings to the local markets.

Chef Kim

Weekday Wrap Up 3

I’m still struggling and eating my cold dinners as I try to get decent pictures using my DSLR. Any tips or pointers on getting better food pictures would be greatly appreciated.

Weekday Wrap Up 2

Summer is officially in full swing.

This Weekday Wrap Up pictures are from lunches, snacks and dinners that happen at the 5 o’clock rush 

For more pics follow the5oclockrush on Instagram

Have a great weekend and enjoy the heat wave in Ontario.

Chef Kim


Another Weekday Wrap Up

Weekday Wrap Up Premiere

It is Friday and the Premiere of

Weekday Wrap Up

This is a new feature on the 5 o’clock rush that showcases the pictures of Weekday dinners that I have prepared for my family. These are simple dinners from what could be in my fridge, freezer, and/or pantry and even a trip to the supermarket.

In our weeknight dinners, I usually try to incorporate a starch, vegetables and protein. Sometimes the vegetables are only a green salad or avocado and cucumber slices. Vegetarian meals or ‘Meatless Mondays’ happen occasionally, but I’m striving for every Monday.

Like any busy on-the-go Mom out there, I do use pre-made foods from the supermarket, especially when our evenings are packed with activities. And yes, grilled cheese sandwiches do make it into circulation but with real cheese, not cheese slices.

Can’t be 5 Michelin Star dinners every night 😉

I’m also attempting improve my pictures by using my DSLR camera more often over my iPhone. Only problem is I eating my dinner plate a little colder now. 😦

I hope that you enjoy this new feature.

Chef Kim


For more pics, follow my Instagram feed:

the5oclockrush on Instagram