The Chef’s Secret is…

Do you loathe your OWN 5 O’CLOCK RUSH and the question: “Mom, what is for dinner?”

Don’t worry many home cooks feel that exact same way.

As a Culinary School graduate and then working in restaurants, hotel and catering kitchens, what simple technique did I learn and NOW PRACTICE that is used by restaurant chefs to how they are able to deliver so many different dishes to your table in a small amount of time?

Want to know the Chef’s secret? Read on for the answer

Pan Roasted Turkey Breast with Sweet Potato and Steamed Baby Spinach

Preheat the oven to 400℉. Wash, pierce and roast the sweet potatoes on a foil lined pan in the oven for approx. 45 min.

I seasoned the turkey breast liberally with kosher salt and Rickard Ultimate Chicken Seasoning. My cast iron was smoking hot with a tablespoon of canola oil. Place the turkey breast in the pan. Season the other side of the breast. Be patient before your flip it over, once the breast no longer “sticks” flip it over. Place the pan in a 400 degree oven. The turkey breast I had purchased was very large (no bone or filet attached). I checked and flipped it again at 10-12 minutes. An internal cooking temperature of 165 ℉ (74 ℃). Remember that it will continue to cook as the breast rests. 

While the turkey breast is roasting, place washed baby spinach in a large frying pan on high. It is not necessary to add any liquid to the pan for spinach, there is plenty naturally. Steam cover until “almost” cooked and shut off to finish. Don’t over cook.

Rested and Sliced

Once the turkey breast is done and has rested slice and serve with drained buttered spinach and roasted sweet potato.

Pan Roasted Turkey Breast with sweet potato and steamed baby spinach

Pan Roasted Turkey Breast with sweet potato and steamed baby spinach

Soup is On!

Homemade Turkey Broth Soup

Homemade Turkey Broth Soup

My mom sent me home from the holidays with a new Paderno pot and her homemade turkey broth.

I put both to good use for dinner tonight.

While the “peperini” pasta was cooking I sautéed some leeks and carrots then added some chopped leftover Christmas turkey.

Once the turkey broth was heated thru added fresh parsley and dill.

Always topped with grated fresh Parmigiano Reggiano cheese.

Delicious on a chilly night.